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Discover the Power


Yoga is all about connection - uniting the mind, body, and spirit. The word ‘yoga’ comes from Sanskrit, derived from "yuj," which means to yoke or unite. Yoga isn't a religion or a strict set of rules; it’s a personal journey of balance, awareness, and well-being.

Advanced Yoga Classes Tauranga
Affordable yoga Tauranga


The foundation of yoga can be traced back to the ancient text, the Yoga Sutras, attributed to Patanjali. Written between 200 BCE and 200 CE, these sutras outline the eight limbs of yoga—a guide for living a meaningful and purposeful life. These limbs cover everything from how we interact with the world to breath control, meditation, and achieving inner peace. Here’s a quick look:

Yama: Universal ethics (like non-violence or honesty)

Niyama: Personal practices (such as cleanliness/contentment)

Asana: The physical postures we practice in class

Pranayama: Breathing techniques

Pratyahara: Focusing inward, away from distractions

Dharana: Concentration & inner awareness

Dhyana: Meditation & devotion

Samadhi: A state of blissful connection & peace

At Tauranga Yoga Centre, our classes focus on asana (posture), and as you progress, you’ll also experience pranayama (breathing) and guided meditations.

Curly yoga instructor

Why Yoga?

Yoga is a practice that benefits both mind and body. It helps release stress, improves balance and posture, builds stamina and strength and and teaches mindful breathing. You’ll also find it boosts concentration, resilience and patience, making life a little more balanced, both on and off the mat.

“Yoga releases the creative potential of life… it does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

- BKS Iyengar
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